Sunday 10 November 2013

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review- The Mystery of precocious puberty

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review-
 Hair at 8, at 9 chest ... What causes early puberty in boys and girls? Changes in the environment, sedentary life, some products or all together?

They say that today's children are forced to grow up early, and this is a great truth, one that in recent years more and more young children, usually girls, show very early signs of growth. The new situation called precocious puberty, and specialists have recourse to be due to environmental changes, but also in living lifestyles that are increasingly adopting children. Brief Overview of Fat Loss Factor Program

A recent survey conducted by the Centre «Breast Cancer Fund», points out that over the past 30 years the widespread access to computers and television has reduced considerably the freedom in the lives of children. Research informs us that while active kids produce more melatonin, a natural hormone that has the role of the biological clock in humans, the most lazily this hormone underactive. The more melatonin the body produces, the more delayed and the onset of puberty. Another devastating result of sedentary life is childhood obesity, which has increased rapidly and act as a catalyst in early adolescent maturation.

Chemical warfare victims with minor...

A recent survey, conducted by the Faculty of Medicine, University «Mount Sinai» in New York, in 1151 girls before puberty, informs us that various chemicals found in food packaging, shampoos and nail polish, can trigger early puberty in girls. Researchers examined the use of phenols, of phthalates and phytoestrogens found that these substances can be harmful because they affect the hormonal function of the body. In this study enrolled girls 6-8 years and analyzed for the presence of these substances.

According to a study published in the journal «Environmental Health Perspectives», and the three classes of chemicals were widely detectable and high exposure to some of those associated with early breast development. Phthalates present in personal care products such as lotion and shampoo, especially those with fragrance, were implicated for early breast development and pubic hair area. Phytoestrogens, which are in various oils, soy products, grains and cereals, are also suspected to early development, particularly for girls. Fat Loss Factor Success Stories

Meanwhile, consumption of meat is another factor implicated in early adolescence. A study published in the journal «Public Health Nutrition», girls who eat meat often have early menarche. Researchers at the University of Brighton compared the eating habits of about 3,000 girls 12 years and found that high meat consumption at age three and seven years was associated directly with early menarche.

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review - Toxins, The great enemy

Every day we are exposed to thousands of chemicals. On the one hand are the toxins that bombard us from the environment: ultraviolet radiation, pollution, secondhand smoke and sudden temperature changes. Even more are coming to invade the body from cigarette smoke, alcohol, coffee, preservatives, sugar, hydrogenated fats, antibiotics in meat and pesticides in fruits and vegetables. How Does Fat Loss Factor Work?

In addition, stress, lack of sleep and the negative emotions favoring the synthesis of even more toxins. "Our bodies have an innate mechanism to metabolize toxins and eliminate them," explains dermatologist Penelope Tympanidou.

"The liver takes over the processing and then injects the lymphatic system to eliminate through the kidneys and through the sweat glands. However, the physical mechanism of detoxification fails to respond when supplied with more toxins than those can metabolize.

Consequently, undesirable substances do not get the way of removal, but accumulate within the cells of the body. " "Everything we touch, eat, breathe, forcing the liver to'' overtime''," writes Dr. If Louise. But when the liver is'' tired'', then the entire organization dysfunctional. List Of Breakthrough Videos

"This in turn leads to a cascade of destructive impact on health. The role of the liver is to purify the blood, to be fired other organs. At the same time, eliminates toxic waste and promotes the next detoxification organ, the kidney. Alcohol, smoking, drugs, fatty foods and a variety of environmental toxins impede the function of the liver and prevent this important work. So instead of metabolising toxins directs back into the bloodstream and the leaves to be stored in the body. "

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review- Detox diet after Christmas

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review- The toxins accumulate in the body, prevent weight loss. With the right rehab program, we can get rid of them and put "fire" on our metabolism. Fat Loss Factor eBook

No bread, nor a piece of chocolate, pizza and souvlaki only dream mas.Oso though we tried we could not get rid of the pounds left to us by pregnancy. And this was not enough ... After a brief period of "promiscuity" as usually happens at parties, we find that the ratio of the scale gets back uphill! Searching for the reasons why the agency does not "work", we discovered the American bestseller «The Fat Flash Plan», Dr. If Louise. According to the expert, the most important reason why the body refuses to part with their extra pounds are the toxins. When accumulate in the body, the body decides to store in the fatty tissues.

As they are metabolically less active than other tissues, toxins can stay there and undisturbed "sleep" for years. The most obvious result, to understand their presence is cellulite. As they explain dermatologists her look orange peel due to sick fat, full of chemical waste, which is located under the skin. "The only way to rid the body of these chemical wastes is to support him with a detoxification program and motivate him to get into self-purification process " , explains Mrs Rosemary Gabriel, general practitioner and teacher of Physical Education. For this purpose, for appropriate diets, recommended techniques and approaches exist lifestyle changes such as exercise and smoking cessation. Home Workout Generator

"The aim is to alleviate liver function (because there metabolized toxins), lymph microcirculation (through this toxins transported to and from the various organs), kidney (which is responsible for the elimination of the body) even perspiration (which is another mechanism for cleaning). When the techniques of detoxification applied faithfully, the organization is exempt from toxins. " This means that the metabolism can finally work, doing cremations and help us lose weight. Then, when the body is detoxified, diets and all other efforts will result.

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review - Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review- New diet programs to lose those extra pounds

The new diet with proteins

The protein diet of French doctors Gilbert Boumplil only lasts four weeks and promises loss of 3 kg . The first week only consume protein (fish, lean meat, eggs) in unlimited quantity, provided that have cooked without oil. The second week we add green salad, chicory and tomatoes. On Tuesday, we put all the vegetables, 2 fruits a day and milk. The fourth week add 50 g. bread, 10 g. butter, a small serving of starchy foods and 30 g. cheese or 1 tablespoon olive oil daily. How Does Fat Loss Factor Work?

Dr.. Boumplil explains how the diet works: 'Proteins get enough, while increasing the metabolic function and facilitate the rapid weight loss. The aim is to facilitate the burning of fat and maintain muscle mass. After the first week, the body produces substances that reduce the feeling of hunger. " Attention to two details: The first is that we drink plenty of fluids (2 liters of water a day, tea, infusions) to expedite the passage of substances in the intestinal system. The second is that we follow the program faithfully , without delay or skip meals. An irregularity, particularly as regards carbohydrates, during the first three weeks, "breaks" the system. The more disciplined we are, the better things go.

The diet of carbohydrates

The new fashion in the diets are carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables), as claimed by the American Dietetics Professor Terry Sid in his book "The Good Carbohydrate Revolution." This eating plan is based on the "good" carbohydrates: wholemeal pasta, brown bread, corn, sweet potatoes, brown rice and a variety of nutritious fruits and vegetables, foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Moreover, their absorption by the body is slower compared to simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, white bread). According to nutritionists, carbohydrates should prefer the least processed , eg black bread opposed to white, instead of fresh fruit juices for bottled, or boiled potatoes instead of fried. A typical day in the diet of carbohydrates include: Breakfast: Two slices of wholemeal bread, 1/2 tsp lite margarine, 1 teaspoon honey and drink without sugar. Snack: 2 fruits. Lunch: Spaghetti with meat wholemeal salad, 3 tablespoons olive oil. Afternoon: 2 large carrots. Dinner1 toast with rye bread and cheese, salad with 2 tablespoons olive oil. The program lasts one month, but gradually cut the afternoon.

With food regulating the glycemic index

When we consume sugar or other foods with a high glycemic index, the blood sugar rises sharply. After some time drops sharply, just as he had risen, so again we need something to move. Hungry xanatrome and fatten. Today, with comprehensive knowledge on the issue, the Endocrinologists establish nutrition programs aimed at regulating levels of sugar. This way, achieve weight loss of up to 4 pounds a month, with the guarantee that the result will last. Following the weekly meal plan proposed by the experts in one month, we can ensure weight loss. The emphasis is on foods with a low glycemic index is less than or equal to 55, which reduces the secretion of insulin, the hormone that creates the feeling of hunger. FLF Weight Tracker

These foods are digested and absorbed so gradually by the body, so give it time to induce a feeling of satiety. This whole grains (rolled oats, brown rice, black pasta), legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, fava beans), and whole grain bread. Every day, eat two servings of fruit, 5 servings of vegetables, and dairy fat. Increases the consumption of fish and eat regularly lean meat, eggs and nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds). We choose the least refined products (most processed have a higher glycemic index) and not paravrazoume pasta and vegetables because cooking alters the index. Avoid animal fats (except fish), hydrogenated products (biscuits and ready meals) and foods that are rich in sugar (cakes, desserts).

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review- 5 diets Express

The prohibitive Atkins type diets, so much that we were afflicted in the past is outdated. Not only proved ineffective and dangerous to health, but especially damaging to the metabolism and made us take more weight than you lose. Today, the approach to weight loss is changing. New combinations of foods, nutritional programs that get satisfied, instructions matching the busy life of a mother. Fat Loss Factor eBook

The program Dooku
The French nutritionist Pierre Duque inspired a diet that combines two important qualifications: It is easy to implement and allows unlimited quantities of specific food groups . So you're not hungry. To effect has to be developed in four phases. The first phase of the "attack" lasts 2-10 days, depending on the weight you want to lose (2 days 1 to 5 pounds, 10 days over 21 pounds). In duration, consume fish, poultry, lean beef, lean dairy, and 1.5 tablespoon oats daily. The second phase of the "cruise" lasts until you lose all the pounds you've put target.

In duration, rotate one day with protein and one with a combination of protein and vegetables. The third phase of "consolidation", calculated according to the weight they lost (to multiply by 9 and the product gives us the number of days that will last), and the diet consists of protein, vegetables and whole grains. The fourth and last phase, that of 'stabilization', which lasts a lifetime, including some what and the third and requiring a day with protein week (more information can be found in the book «The Dukan Diet» of Pierre Duque).

Diet with the "food" of the baby
The pureed for babies, just because they are aimed at babies, rich, hearty, balanced and healthy . They contain everything the body needs to sate and maintained, ie proteins (meat, chicken, fish) and vegetables (potato, carrot, zucchini, onion, beetroot, celeriac) in the correct proportions and without being saddled with extra fat fatten. The first thought was Tracy Anderson, personal trainer to the stars such as Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon, which coined the feeding jars. Fast Food Foojoo Software

The program is not only very low in calories, but also very easy to apply, since the meals can be made either with the foods anyway prepare for the baby either standard jars from the supermarket. Those who tried it (in Hollywood) say how they managed to lose 9 pounds in 7 weeks. To follow a diet exclusively with these products, we need to calculate the daily dose of protein so that you lose fat and not just liquids or muscle mass. Women need 1 gram. protein for each kilogram, ie 56 g. for someone who weighs 56 pounds. One jar of commerce contains about 8 grams., So that an average woman should consume 7. In the same way, we calculate and handmade jars.

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review - Tips to increase metabolism

1. There are "good" fats
The news from the front of dietary surveys come to exculpation fats. Some of them not only fatten or affect the health, but also help us to slim down. These omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in oily fish such as salmon, tuna and sardines. Their action in regulating the levels of leptin, the hormone that affects metabolism. As seen from its name, leptin determines the balance of calories, that sends messages to either burned or stored as fat. Researchers from the University of Wisconsin found that mice that had low leptin levels had a faster metabolism and burned fat faster than what those who had higher levels. The best way to set too leptin levels? Eat fish rich in omega 3. Brief Overview of Fat Loss Factor Program

2. Never forget breakfast
Even if you eat croissants with chocolate, eggs with bacon and waffles with ice cream, even if you load up your metabolism with hundreds of calories, it is better than to leave hungry. The reason is simple: overnight sleeping metabolism. The body feels that it is supplied with calories and that should stop the burning in order not to starve. The metabolism stops combustion to protect and remains in this state until fed again with a new meal. Will continue to "sleep" until they eat something. Therefore, eat together as fast as possible in order to wake him up. Make a smart choice combining dairy (milk or yogurt), whole grains (do not contain sugar) and fruit.

3. Half liter of water per day
"Even a slight dehydration can decrease the metabolism of 3%" according to the Jay Williams, the author of the book "The Turnaround the 24th hour, The Formula for Permanent Weight Loss " ("24 hours to complete the change, the recipe for permanent weight loss "). The kidneys, which remove body waste need adequate amounts of water to function. When they have not, shifting their responsibilities to the liver. But as the liver is responsible for metabolizing fat into energy when it is busy with the job of the kidneys is not enough time to process the fat. Adequate quantities of water also helps in combating retention, especially in the days before the period. Try to drink about one liter a day.

4. Alternate number of calories
If you drink every day the same calories, then the body adapts, lazy and ends up burning fewer. A smart way to get the "Juggle" and keep him on his toes to make more cremations are taking a different number of calories every day. Pick what is the ideal amount and apply three days a week. The two days will do more exercise increase the amount by 200 calories. The two days that you work less, consume 200 calories less. visit this link Dr. Charles Livingston

5. The gentle exercise helps
No need to melt the gym. Quite a mild exercise to tone combustion. In this way increasing the muscle mass and the enhanced combustion. Regular gentle exercise is valuable for the proper functioning of metabolism. In contrast, grueling hours at the gym is not always so useful. Except that exhaust and us the same, the crippling exercises may have the wrong effect on metabolism. As it takes the message that the body is threatened with exhaustion, it stops burning in order to protect it. So instead mobilized, metabolism falls in hypnosis. To function properly, needs a light but regular exercise such as walking.

Dr. Charles Livingston Fat Loss Factor review - Remove Fat from your body

1. The rule of 400 calories
We have heard many overweight occasionally swear that they eat only once a day. Then why get fat? Experts found that when we get all the calories of the day a meal, then the body can not process them. Every time lunching, the body can utilize only 400 calories. The remainder were not burned but stored as fat. You can apply this rule by dividing your meals into several smaller. Overall make sure you get five meals a day, one every three hours, none of which will not exceed 400 calories. Maybe hassle at first, but after two days you will feel your energy to rise and your hunger be limited. Fat Loss Factor Measurements Form

2. Protein at every meal
The fashion of diet programs which provided only protein foods and banned carbohydrates has passed. The diets were shown to affect not only their health, but even metabolism. Today experts believe that protein is essential to any meal and should be combined with other foods. These proteins have a high saturation index, ie enhancing the feeling of satiety. At the same time, have an increased thermogenic effect, which means that the body burns calories and absorb them. So you at every meal you eat meat, chicken, fish, egg or dairy.

3. Something to burn
The red pepper, chili, Tabasco and other hot foods have proven beneficial effect on metabolism. The hot foods contain the ingredient capsaicin. This substance increases the thermogenic effect and consequently helps in burning. Research done in America in the 80s showed that a hot meal a day can speed up the metabolism by 25%, while the acceleration lasts three hours after consumption. You can use small dried chili when cooking meat or legumes.

4. Avoid sudden increases in blood sugar
When we eat a food that contains high amounts of sugar, then the blood sugar increases sharply. The result is the challenge of hypoglycemia in response to a sudden increase in blood sugar and enhancing the feeling of hunger. If, for example, eat a piece of chocolate, chances are that you will ask for another one. The sugar will suddenly rise and fall sharply, forcing you to power up again fresh. Prefer foods that do not increase sharply in sugar, such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables and proteins. Fat Loss Factor Success Stories

5. Serve any meal with fiber
The question again is setting of fluctuating blood sugar. When accompanying a plate with fiber, reducing its effect on blood sugar levels. Good sources of fiber are vegetables and fruits. This means that at each meal should include salad, while the snack is good to contain fruit.